I can not believe how quickly the last few days have gone by!! As long and slow as the process seems- once things got moving it really did go by quickly.
Right now I am waiting on the final report from the clinic on the condition of our embryos- but yesterday things were looking pretty good.
We had the egg retreival on Friday the 13th!!!! But I think it was a lucky day. Out of the 40 or so follicles I had, only 11 mature eggs were harvested. I am not going to lie- that was really really really painful. Even though I was sedated and had some pain medication it hurt. Basically they use a really large needle, poke holes in your vaginal wall to get to your ovaries to suck out the follicles/eggs. It hurt and I cried. I hate crying. I hate seeming to be like a baby. But in the end it was worth it to get 11 eggs.
Out of the 11 eggs they only attempted to fertilize 10. From there 9 fertilized, but only 8 fertilized normally.
The report on Sunday said that we still have 5 embryos growing at normal pace, and the other 3 were a little slower. However, they all had extremely thick shells. I think its a good indication that you are going to be hard headed- but with our genetics that was a given I think!!! Since they all have thick shells we are going to have to do assisted hatching. In assisted hatching they use a laser to "crack" the embryo and up the chances of it implanting in the uterus.
We are doing Day 5 transfer (meaning 5 days past egg retrevial)- which I thought would be bad- but all the research I have done indicates its good. It seems that it isn't till Day 5 that the embryo would be introduced into the uterus anyway- so this is more normal than Day 3 transfers and it gives them the best chance to determine which 2 embyros are the strongest.
I am trying not to get too excited right now- but its hard not too!! I just know you will be our little Christmas baby- more proof of God's love for us.
With much love,
P.S. spell check isn't working- so ignore my "hooked on phonics" mistakes
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