Thursday, September 20, 2012

25 weeks...

Hello Babies-

I can't believe that I am 25 weeks today-  and that in 3 months from today you should be here.  SOOOO much to do between now and then.  I haven't written much here in the last month-  I was in a little funk I think.  Still so worried about so many things and it was hard to get excited and positive.  But things have gotten a lot better in the last couple of weeks. 

I feel you every day now (I assume I am feeling both of you- but I can't tell you apart yet) and you seem to be active.  Even your Daddy can feel you now (although for some reason whenever he is near you get really still).  I've been playing music to you whenever I can-  you seem to like George Straight, Tom Petty and any of the Gator songs.   I am not as sick as was early on...but still really tired.

We have your room painted, your beds put together and the recliner in the room.  Just need to order a dresser and we will be good to go.  We had the first baby shower this weekend in Okeechobee.  Now the room is just stuffed with everything we got for you until I can start putting it all away.  Hopefully we will order the dresser next week. 

Time seems to be going very slowly right now-  I want you here quickly, but not early.  We want healthy babies with no NICU stays of course.  In the meantime I will just keep cooking you till well done and enjoy the fall. 

With much love,
