Friday, November 2, 2012

31 Weeks

Wow....Time has flown by the last few weeks.  I can't believe that we are in the third trimester and while it still seems eons away before you both with be here it will be, at most, 7 more weeks.  ACK!!!  We have so much to do before then!

On a happy note your nanny has been found!  I'm so happy that we found an "old" family friend that is going to watch you both most of the time.  Angela and her husband Daniel have been friends of mine for years (since I first moved to Tallahassee after college).  I lived with them off and on during session as well and both your Dad and I have no fear about leaving you with Angela.  Plus you will have a built in playmate with their youngest son, Nolan. 

You both move around quite a lot now.  I can stare at my belly for hours watching it move as you move.  Baby A (who is named- but we aren't sharing just yet) is on the bottom and at our last doctor appointment was finally head down.  Your butt is in your sister's face, who is also named, and residing up higher in my uterus.  For whatever reason you both prefer the right side of my belly (and have all pregnancy) and it makes the left side of my belly somewhat flat. 

The last couple of weeks I've started getting tired again and moving, walking, bending, etc. is becoming hard to do.  Just a couple more weeks of work events to get through and hopefully I can rest until you get here. 

Signing off by sharing some pictures from our maternity photo session this week.

With much love,


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