Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It has almost been one month!!

Dear James Rutherford and Laura Maylene-

I can't believe it has almost been a whole month since you arrived!!!  It has been a whirlwind of activity and disorganized chaos that has left me little time to write letters to the children that I now know.

You were born on a Saturday morning on December 15.  James came first at 5:26 am- weighing 5lbs 4oz and 18.9 inches long.  Just a little while later came you Laura at 6:01am- weighing 6lbs even and  18.7 inches long.  Dr. Franz and all the nurses did an amazing job getting you both here and coaching your very reluctant mother through delivery.  I admit that I would have preferred a c-section, but now that it is over I am so happy that we went a little more natural route. 

The feelings that overcame me after each of your arrivals, the first time I saw you and the first time I held each of you can not be expressed in words-  but you will know them with the birth of your own children and trust me it is the most miraculous and amazing feelings you will ever have.  The instant love and amazement is a God-given miracle. 

I was induced into labor on December 13- exactly 8 months after our trip to Shands to have our 11 eggs extracted and two of those became you.  It was an amazing journey and I can hardly believe that this leg of the trip is already over.  It was the longest and quickest 8 months of my life. 

The both of you have changes our lives in ways we could have never imagined and I am going to enjoy the rest of our lives with you both. 

Love Your Eternally Grateful and Amazed Mother

It is Time!

Good Morning Twinsies-

Today is the day (well tomorrow will be).  Tonight we head to the hospital and begin the process of inducing you into the world.  I can't believe it.  It has been 8 months to the day that you were conceived-  the fastest and longest 8 months of our lives! 

Because your Mama doesn't do well with lots of people hovering around, asking questions and trying to be helpful when there really isn't anything to do, we are not telling anyone that we are going in tonight.  Hopefully be mid-morning tomorrow things will be moving along well and then we will call both sets of grandparents.  Plus most importantly for me and your Daddy is that it we will get to spend your first hours and day together as our own family-  learning how the heck to take care of you both! 

I'm not sure if I will get to write while in the hospital, but I'm sure your birth story will be well recorded before it is all said and done. 

Can't wait to see you!



Week 2 of Bed Rest

Well good morning babies-  you are being very active this morning as I sit here watching committee meetings on my computer.  My stomach is rolling and moving like crazy.  At first these movements really freaked me out-  but now I enjoy them.  I can sit here and watch them all day.  It is the one part of pregnancy I am going to miss. 

We are about to start week 2 of bed rest.  So far it is going well.  My blood pressure is staying down (relatively speaking) and so far no other symptoms have popped up.

I feel like we are getting close to meeting you.  I'm having lots of contractions each day (although not consistently) and at my last appointment I was showing signs of things progressing.  While I want you to cook as long as possible-  I admit I am ready to meet you both!!!