Friday, August 3, 2012

18 weeks

This week was our second visit to the maternal fetal medicine doctor. I've decided the only thing he does is ultrasounds. Which of course is fine by me.

Although they never told us that this was the "anatomy scan" that is clearly what they were doing. They checked your kidneys, the hearts, the hands and feet, the stomach and even measured bones. I am happy to report that all appears to be functioning and developing right on track.  

Baby A measured 17weeks and 6 days (which was my actual day) and Baby B measured 18 weeks and 3 days....Baby A was 8 oz and Baby B is 9 oz. So Baby A is just a wee bit smaller than Baby B- which is funny because Baby A is THE BOY and Baby B is THE GIRL!!!!

We are very excited that we have one of each and our family is absolutely complete. I immediately went out and started buying some cute outfits for each of you.  So did your Granny (my Mom).  I'm sure Grandma B will have a few put away before the week is over too. 

We had the carpet cleaned in your room and now it is ready to paint.  I also finally decided on bedding too.  You are cursed by my love of insects-  but I hope they are at least cute little critters. 

I am still not feeling the best, but starting to have more good days than bad days.  Getting more than ready for December and you to be here though!